The following table shows a list of the clients wishes outlined in the Statement of Intent, whether they were completed and how. We can see from this table that all the clients wishes were achieved and there is nothing that the client wanted that hasn't been included in my lodge. The only aspects that could have been added to my current design are a 'back of house area' or an area for the staff only.
Triple story
Grand, luxurious and cozy
Large eating area
Restaurant and bar
Massage and Spa facilities
Large windows displaying
amazing mountain views
Sitting areas with cozy
Indoor cinema
Games room
Grand staircase
Reception desk
Self serve kitchenette
10+ bedrooms with ensuites
This lodge does have three stories, the third being a rooftop pool and spa area.
The ski lodge is definitely grand, luxurious and cozy. This is because of its high ceilings, grand staircase, grand piano and finishes.
The large eating are is situated on the ground floor near the restaurant/bar and is very open with a flow out to the sitting areas and the outdoor area.
The restaurant/bar is on the ground floor right near the eating areas.
The massage and spa facilities are located on the rooftop of my ski lodge so they have included mountain views.
The large windows displaying mountain views are on the back walls so the views can be enjoyed by all of guests in the eating and entertainment areas.
The main sitting area with the fireplaces is on the ground floor near the large windows and outdoor area. There is another smaller sitting area on the first floor near the self serve kitchenette, facing towards the large windows.
There is an indoor cinema on the ground floor to add to the entertainment for the guests.
There is a games room on the ground floor to add to the entertainment for the guests.
The main grand staircase is located at the front of the ski lodge, near the entrance.
The reception desk is right near the front door, under the grand staircase, in between the two flights of stairs that go up from either side
There is a self serve kitchenette situated on the first floor, for the guests to help themselves at any time and make the atmosphere more homely.
There are 12 bedrooms on the first floor, all including ensuites.

Clients Wishes
How has this been completed?
Below are renders of my finished ski lodge, labelled with annotations showing how my project meets the clients needs and wants.

Evaluation: The front of my ski lodge is both aesthetic and practical with a large, round driveway that gives ease of access to any vehicles that come, such as cars and buses. The façade is welcoming and cozy with its cedar log exteriors and includes a large entry doorway to add to the luxury and grand atmosphere.

Evaluation: The back of my ski lodge offers an amazing mountain view which is why most of the entertaining areas and large windows face the back of my lodge. These entertainment areas include a large, open dining and sitting area with comfy seating and fireplaces, a media room, a games room, and an outdoor area with fire pits. The view is also enjoyed in the heated pools and through the large windows in the private spa rooms on the rooftop of my ski lodge as well as through the windows of the master suites. A kitchen/restaurant and bar is situated on the ground floor near the dining areas so the guests can be catered to and enjoy some good free meals while they are staying. To add to the grand, luxurious and homely feel that the client is going for, there is a large staircase near the entrance and another one going up to the rooftop, a self-serve kitchenette on the first floor, and a grand piano on the first floor that is free to be played by the guests at any time.